After School Programs
We offer after school care for those that attend Porter's Neck, Ogden, Eaton, Blair and Murrayville Elementary. We provide transportation from school, a snack and homework time followed by games and active play regardless of the weather. The goal is that when your child is picked up, their homework is completed and they've had 60 minutes of physical activity. Activities include but are not limited to dodgeball, soccer, team handball, kickball, wiffleball, running and capture the flag. Games will emphasize fun, teamwork, fitness and sportsmanship.
A sample schedule:
Arrive at Off The Wall 2:25-2:50pm depending on the school
Homework time 2:25-3:10pm
Split into groups and play games 3:10-5pm
Free time 5-6pm
Here is the pricing for 1 child:
Monthly including all camp days, intersession, spring break and summer camps - $325
We are full for the coming 2023/24 school year. Please contact [email protected] with number of kids, school and what days you would like to attend to be added to the wait list.
We fill the next school year in this manner:
- Current families have the option to reserve spots for current kids and siblings.
- We offer spots for the following school year to those on the waiting list in early March based on their school and our overall numbers.
Occasionally, we get an opening during the school year and those are filled from the waiting list.
Intersession Camps
We do offer intersession for 7-12 year's old. It's $140/week for 7:30am-6pm with organized activities from 9am-4:30pm. We provide a variety of games including dodgeball, soccer, team handball, kickball, wiffleball, lacrosse skills and capture the flag. They may also play foosball, ping pong, 4-square, basketball, Nerf wars and jump rope. We have K'nex, Matchbox cars and board games to play with if they need a little down time.
We will be CLOSED Dec. 25 - Jan. 1.